Copyright (c) SEARCH, 1997


Scientific Research Center (SRC) is the functioning unit of Yerevan Medical University. The activity of SRC is conducting in the following laboratories: morphologic and electron microscopic, pathologic physiology, biochemistry, biophysics, chronobiology, radioisotopic indication.

Basic activities of SRC are related to the:

Scientific - coordinative Board of SRC provides coordination and collaboration of University scientific work with other scientific medical organizations of Armenia and other countries, training of qualified scientists.

Departments of Medical University conduct both planned scientific work and prioritive research (which is financed by Ministry of Economy of Armenia). At present the following scientific directions are conducting inSRC and in Department of Yerevan Medical University, which have special financical support from goverment.

At present, in SRC in Laboratories of the Departments of Pharmacology, Normal Physology young scientists and students conducts research in areas of the pathogenesis of SAD, cardiomiopathy, role of GABA-rgic system in the regulation of cerebral circulation, receptive mechanisms of parathormone effect on neuronal structures.