Dear Hrair,
In one of our entries Bogdan Melik-Shakhnazarov had  an
extensive proposal for the creation of a convertable to
national languages databanks on  the  peoples  cultural
heritage.As we see the participants of  the  conference
had a difficulty in understanding the substance of  the
proposal.So we send his detailed answer.

   Of course,  the  sending  message  wasorientated  at
specialists.I'd  like  to  clear  up  this  question.We
created  the  databank   conception,   in   which   the
information remembers in  the  handy  for  any  nations
language.Receiving the information from any other banks
the  users  can  read  it  in   his   language.So   the
information automatically is  converted  in  users  own
language.As the information interesting for everyone at
first concerns to  peoples  cultural  heritage,  as  an
example we'd  like  to  begin  from  Armenian  cultural
heritage.The bank we propose doesn't substitute owner's
informational   banks.It's   only   a   catalogue   and
intermediary  between  banks  of  cultural   monuments,
works of art, monuscreepts of Mathenadaran,  books  and
other rarity, historical and cultural values.
   We'l be very glad if anybody of participants of  the
conference  take  part  in  this  work,  for   example,
software engineer from  Athens  Jirayr  Beudjekian,  we
welcome him in Notepad.
   With best regards, Melik-Shakhnazarov B.