[in Russian]


In the Institute of hydroponic problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia some biotechnology's of soilless /hydroponic/ growing of a number of valuable, ecologically clean, little-tonnage medicinal plants were cultivated. On their base, beginning from 1996, in the bases of the institute, in the condition of the availability of the corresponding order /two-side contract/ it is possible to produce the medicinal plants mentioned before taken separately in the following approximate quantity.

The name of the plants Material Quantity, (t)
English Latin
1 2 3 4 5
1 Mint Mentha piperita L. fresh mass 280
2 Aloe Aloe arborescens Mill. - // - 220
3 Nighshade Solanum laciniatum Ait. - // - 240
4 Kalanchoe Kalanchoe pinnata Lam. - // - 100
5 Catharantus Catharantus roseus G. Don. dry mass 5
6 Motherwort Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib. - // - 75
7 Stramony Datura innoxia Mill. - // - 12
8 Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea L. fresh root 1
9 Celadine Chelidonium majus L. dry mass 1
10 Opium poppy Papaver somniferum L. seed 0.5
11 Jawa tea Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. dry mass 18
12 Henna Lawsonia inermis L. - // - 12
13 Indigo Indigofera tinctoria L. - // - 8
14 Citric sorghum Cymbopogon citratus Stapf. fresh mass 110
15 Eugenol basil Ocimum gratissimum L. - // - 115
16 Ordinary basil Osimum basilicum L. - // - 200
17 Sage-brush Artemisia annua L. - // - 95
18 Vetiveria Vetiveria zizanioides Stapf. dry root 1.2
19 Catmint Nepeta transcaucasica Crossh. fresh mass 125
20 Anise Pimpinella anisum L. seed 2.5
21 Cammon caraway Foeniculum vulgare Mill. - // - 4.5
22 Greek valerian Polemonium coeruleum L. dry root 1.5
23 Eleutherococc Eleutherococcus senticosus Max. - // - 1.5
24 Schizandra Schizandra chinensis Baill. seed 1.5
25 Common balm Melissa officinalis L. fresh mass 110
26 Bur marigold Bidens tripartita L. dry mass 30
27 Calendula Calendula officinalis L. bry flowers 0.2


1. Mint - perennial aromatic and medicinal herb. Shoot contents 0.2-0.3% essential oil. In the last menthol content can be up to 65%. Plants overground part as well asessential-oil and menthol obtained from it is applied in medicine for various cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disease treatment. In hydroponic culture mean values for overground green stuff are 140 t/hectare (ha), for essential-oil yield - 385 kg/ha. (the same indexes for soil culture are 33 t/ha and 72 kg/ha respectively)
2. Aloe - four various treating agents are produced from the juice of Aloe in Medicine. They are applied for sexual disease, skin disease, burn, ulcer and secondary anaemia treatment.
By combined open-air and greenhouse hydroponics 100-120 tons of Aloe leaves are available from 1 ha per year. In soil culture the same index is 30-40 t.
3. Nighshade - is used for cortisone, hydrocortisone, progesterone and other curing agents production, which are used for rheumatism, polyarthritis, bronchial asthma, inflammation and skin disease treatment. 120 tons of green mass can be obtained from 1 ha hydroponc culture, while in soil conditions yield is 3 times lower.
4. Kalanchoe medicines obtained from Kalanchoe leaves, are used in surgery, stomatology, ophthalmology. 100 t. Kalanchoe green mass can be grown on a single ha under hydroponic conditions, which excels the yield on soil 3-4 times.
5. Catharantus the medicine called vinblastin is obtained from Catharantus. It is used for cancer and leukos treatment. Up to 50 centner dry leaves (with alkaloids total high content /1.1%/ ) can be harvested on 1 ha soilless plantations, which is 3 times higher than the yield on soil.
6. Motherwort perennial herb. Alcohol or water squeezing is a sedative agent. It is used as cardiovascular disease, neurose and hypertension medicine. During the first year of cultivation dry matter yield is 6.8 centner/ha, during following years yield can increase up to 35-40 c/ha.
7. Stramony is cultivated as an annual. Unripe fruit-coats and seeds are used in scopolamine and atropine production. Scopolamine is a somnolent, sedative and anaesthetic remedy, used in neuro-psychology, for Parkinson disease treatment, etc.
Seeds and fruit-cover yields are 40-50 c/ha and 15-18 c/ha respectively (dry matter).
8. Rhodiola perennial herb. 5-7 year old rhizome is stimulating and adaptogene agent that increase organism resistance. Yield of fresh stuff is 20t/ha in hydroponics.
9. Celadine Perennial herb. Shoots are used for liver, gall-bladder, some skin and inner disease treatment. A high yield (13 c/ha, dry matter) is obtained after the second year of cultivation.
10. Opium poppy annual herb. Preparations are sedative, anticoncussion, sleepingdraughts. The yield of bools (with seeds) on hydroponics and soil are 165-182 g/m2 and 68 g/m2 respectively.
11. Jawa tea perennial oriental shrub. It is used for renal sharp and chronic disease e.g. cystitis, cholecystitis, and gall-stone disease treatment, as a diuretic bactericide and antiinflammatic remedy.
12. Henna is used in oriental medicine for various skin disease (diathesis, eczema) treatment, wool and silk stuff dying as well as in cosmetics. From 1 ha hydroponic surface 4060c. dry leaves can be harvested, in soil conditions 11-15 c.
13. Indigo leaf powder is used in cosmetics, in traditional medicine against neural, skin liver and other diseases, as well as in painting, carpet manufacturing, textile production. Productivity of 1 ha hydroponic surface is 30-40 c leaf - powder. The same index in soil conditions is 8-13 centner.
14. Citric sorghum essential-oil is used as a substitution for lemon natural essentialoil. It is used in food, perfumery, production as well as in medicine. 350-400 kg essential-oil can be obtained from 1 hectare hydroponic surface.
15. Eugenol basil essential-oil is used as a clove essential-oil substitution. It is used in food production and in medicine. 150-200 kg essential-oil can be obtained from 1 hectare fed hydroponic surface., in soil culture yield constitutes 35-45 kg.
16. Ordinary basil annual herb with sharp, pleasant balsamic flavour. Content of essential-oil is 0.02-0.32 %, which is used in food and perfumery production. Yield of essential-oil in soil and hydroponic conditions are 13 kg/ha and 62-67 kg/ha respectively.
17. Sage-brush contains 0.06-0.64% light yellow, green essential-oil with pleasant flavour. It is used in perfumery and pharmaceutic production. Roots are dying agents, squeezing is retarding some bacteria growth. Yield of essential-oil is 40 kg/ha on soil, 97-130 kg/ha in hydroponics.
18. Vetiveria Perennial oriental plant. Root contents 0.8-1.0% essential-oil with pleasant strong flavour. It is used for other flavouring agent fixation as well as in traditional medicine and perfumery. Essential-oil yield is 16 kg/ha on soil and 40-50 kg/ha in hydroponics.
19. Catmint essential-oil is used in perfumery and is competing with that of geranium. 6175kg essential-oil is available from 1 hydroponic ha, in soil culture 16-19 kg.
20. Anise annual herb. Essential-oil content in fruits is 1.5-3.5%. Which is the main component of anethol (80-90%). It is applied in medicine, cosmetics, pharmaceutics and food production. Yield of essential-oil is 33 kg/ha on soil and 38 kg/ha in hydroponics.
21. Common caraway annual, biennial and perennial crop. Content of essential-oil in fruits is 3.506%. The 60% of essential-oil is anethol. Essential oil is applied in pharmaceutics, soap and food production. It is also used in perfumery for obepin aromatic agent synthesis. Yield (of essential-oil) in hydroponics is 217-273 kg/ha, in soil 35 kg/ha.
22. Greek valerian perennial grass-crop. Water squeeze of rhizome is a sedative agent. It s also used for stomach ulcer curing.
23. Eleutherococc thorny bush. Agents extracted from 5-7 year-old roots are used in medicine due to their adaptogene properties (stimulation of central neuros system, regulation of vision, etc.) is competing with ginseng.
24. Schizandra fruits are affluent with organic acids (citric acid, apple acid, amber acid etc.), while the 0.03% of seeds constitutes vitamin E. In medicine 6-7 year-oild plant seed preparates are used in rehabilitation and for vision sharpening. It is used as a dying and savouring agent in food production.
25. Common balm perennial plant with specific strong flavour. It resembles the bonquet flavour of mint, lemon and costmary. It contains essential-oil, vitamin C (up to 150 mg%). Extracts are sedatives and analgetics. It is also used in food production. During the firs year of soilless cultivation yield of medicinal stuff is 1.9-2 kg/ha. Soil grown crops are harvested only after the second year.
26. Bur marigold annual herb. Plant overground part is used as an anti-inflammation remedy. It is also applied for allergy and gastrointestinal disease treatment. Yield on soil is 6070 g/plant, while that of hydroponics 85-105 g/plant (dry stuff).
27. Calendula an annual plant. It is an anti-inflammation agent. Widely used for eye, skin disease treatment and in cosmetics. Yield of soil-grown plants is 66 g/m2 while that of hydroponically grown ones is 160 g/m2.