During the centuries, the Armenian people created many permanent Values of art which became an inseparable part of the spiritual and maferial life of all manking: it is evidence of the prominence of the Armenian people in arts and the splendid, brilliance of its talent.

The art of the Armenian peopfe originates from the depth of millennia. However, Armenian art acquired its national features during the classic medieval period (4th-14th cc.), when literature and art went through impetuous flourishment, when the national aspect was beind crystalized and was assuming an integral shape.

Armenian decorative-applied arts have passed an arduous path during the millennia, creating such values as have embodied the Armeaian larid and the artistic thinking of its people, its perceptions of the beautiful and the subime in historical profundity.

Carpet art is the most loved and widespread phenomenon with stable fraditions in Armenian life from ancient times. Carpets have been woven as far back as before Christ's birth. Dvin, Ani, Karin, Caesarea, Sebastia, towns and settlemants in Vaspourakan, Tapon, Qoghtan, Syunik and other provinaea were outsfanding centres of the Armenian carpet. Armenians were engaged in carpet-weaving in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Arabic countries, Turkey as well: they took sctive part in the famous carpet production of Sparta at the end of the 79th centry.

Great is the numder of Armenian gandrnade carpets in the world today; they may be found in the museums of Armenia, in the Echmiadzin Treasury, Metropolitan Art Museum in New-York, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, Austrian Museum of Art in Vienna, Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts in Istambul, State Museum in Berlin and others.

For many centuries Armenian erimson-flamed carpet decorated royal palaces, benquet halls, wedding cereminies in many coyntries of the world: they have enriched expositions in well-known rnuseums, such carpets have been spread before geroes as a token of reverence and glorification.

Those who take care of their health, will evealuate highly the merits if Armenian carpet.

AESM - Armenian Ethnographic State Muzeum
AHSM - Armenian History State Muzeum
APASM - Armenian People's Art State Muzeum